Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Happenings!

I made a quick trip to our neighborhood burger joint to get a photo of some of their gang in costume. My son is on the left. They were super busy, so I only managed a couple of good photos! One of the owners was even dressed for the occasion!
In typical Jr. High spirit, my son and his friend,Cody,dressed up as overly endowed Cheerleaders. He seems to need some final adjustments. Do we have a split personality issue happening? Can't decide between quarterback or cheerleader?
Some of the Jr. High crowd ready to "party". Brian, the cheerleader, Garrett the Gorilla, and Trevor the clown. I'm not sure where the "Scream" mask came from. The kids were trading costume parts left and right! I still have a few around my house!
Here we have Jace the Crayon and Trevor the clown. They are borrowing some of my old costumes from Halloweens past!
The over-grown kids are on their way. Now it is time for me to gather my broom, cauldron of candy and goblet of potion to await the revellers!
Among the many candy-seekers, a few known visitors also came to my door.Will the Warlock dropped by to share a spell or two. Will is one of my older son's friends.
My nephew the gnome also came by for a visit. He is also known as Chase. He wasn't too keen about wearing his hat and beard! We had to bribe him for the photo! He finally decided he was ready to wear it and head out for treats.Apparently, the gnome and his beard were soon parted. Because one of ZZ TOP, a.k.a. my brother, returned sporting the beard.Good-bye Halloween, until next year!

Ya'll Come Back Now!



  1. My favorite is your nephew the Gnome. He is adorable.


  2. I love your brother, would he be Billy, Frank, or Dusty? OK, he has a fan base, he should start his own "little ole blog from Texas":)


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