Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Finally some decorating!

I've been staying home from school with a sore throat and low grade fever. I feel pretty good when I take ibuprofen, so I've been doing some decorating. Hey, I can't waste precious time! Yesterday evening, I spent about 4 hours putting ornaments on the tree. I still have a few to go. I can't find my red and gold berry sprigs that I use in various places. AAAGGHH! We bought the Luckenbach ornament when we stopped there on our way home from Fredericksburg this summer. There will be a clogging workshop there in January. I would love to clog on that famous wooden dance floor!
My mom crocheted this Santa for me. She also made one for each of my two brothers. Needless to say, it is very special to me.

Years ago, my grandma was cleaning out and gave me her old strands of lights. They didn't look safe to actually use, but they had some wonderful old bulbs in them. I love the way the color is inside the bulb and their unusual shape. I decided to make ornaments out of them.
My mom stayed very busy crafting. She also made this plastic canvas Santa. She made tons of ornaments in her lifetime.

Mom loved Cardinals. So, I now have this Cardinal tree topper along with numerous ornaments.
Mom and I made many of these bead bluebonnets. If you are not a Texan, you may not know that the Bluebonnet is the State flower.
My mom molded numerous ornaments with plaster of paris one year and let me paint them. They are dated 1977. Hmm, I was 12 years old! This one is a favorite of mine.
These booties were crocheted by my mom and put on a gift at the baby shower for my oldest. I changed the pink and blue yard to red and green to put them on the tree. That baby is now 23.
The bee skep was just bought at Hobby Lobby. It is special because my great-grandfather came from Stein, Switzerland. The family home had a bee skep with 3 bees over the fireplace as a sort of family crest. This ornament was the only one left!
Years ago I bought a kit to make 4 angels. This is the only one I have finished! I have so many sentimental ornaments that I really need a larger tree. I just don't have the space for a larger tree! Now to go and look for those red and gold berry sprigs!
Merry Christmas,


  1. Oh, I love the bluebonnet! Can you give us a tutorial or instructions on how you made them? You know how I am about anything pertaining to the great state of Texas!

  2. I too love the bluebonnet! Your place is certainly looking Christmasy and festive!

  3. Awww, your light bulbs are sweet ornaments! I just love it when family pieces can be remade!

  4. Lorilee,

    I love the crochet Santa and the repurposed light ornament. I had those same beaded blue bonnets as favors at my wedding.

  5. Love all your homemade ornies!

    I have a string of my Grandpa's lights and I have those exact molded lights with the swirls.

  6. Hello Lorilee,

    Hope you are feeling better! Love all your pretty ornaments! I have the sweet Bee ornaments as you!

    Merry Christmas!


  7. how lovely, and those booties how sweet is that. xxxx t

  8. I love all of youe ornaments. My Christmas ornaments are some of my favorite treasures.
    I bet your tree is magnificent!!!1

  9. What is the cardinal made of? Everything is lovely but I especially love the cardinal. Is it a pattern you can share?


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