Saturday, December 13, 2008

Garden Toast!

Here in South Texas we just had our first hard freeze. My poor yard looks so sad now! The vitex is all curled and crackly looking!
The banana leaves look toasted and crunchy!

But WOW, what a moon we have arisin!

Each winter, I renew my resolve to plant a few more evergreens. Then spring comes. The flowering plants call to me again, and I forget the dreariness of the brown and brittle leaves of winter!
Ya'll Come Back,


  1. My friend was telling me that the moon is supposed to be the biggest all year this week. It sure looked a bit like daylight last night so I am glad you spotlighted it. The garden will be back soonest. I'll try to remind you next year-evergreen...too.

  2. After doing a tour of my yard, I have some curled up leaves too! It still doesn't dim the excitement we had last week when it snowed. It'll grow back this spring! Blessings...

  3. I know! My garden looks so sad that it makes me sad too!

  4. I don't even want to go outside. There is so much that has been frozen back and needs to be cleaned up. Durn.


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