Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fall Color in Texas!

We don't get the sudden change of color in the foliage in South Texas. Golden Raintree seedpods are a source of color for us instead.

I am especially fond of the plumes on grasses!
They are awesome when backlit by the sun!

Mexican Mint Marigold is blooming now. The leaves are scented like licorice.

My Chinese Fringe Flower is blooming again too!

My "Little John" Dwarf bottlebrush is also beginning to bloom.

I am also thrilled to be getting numerous blooms on my Angel Trumpet. It will freeze back when we get a heavy frost.
This poor plant has been living in the pot that it came in! I will move it when it finishes blooming or goes dormant.

I think this is called Merilla Perilla. Of course, I am not known for my great memory! I do love anything with purple blooms or foliage!
Ya'll Come Back!


  1. Just beautiful, every one! I love all the beauty on this great earth..seeing things I've never seen, can you even imagine what the garden of Eden must have looked like?! So awesome! Come say hi :D

  2. Oh how pretty. Love the pictures.

  3. What beauty you have around you. I am in a part of Texas that gets a little bit of both. We are just now seeing beautiful color on the trees and having our leaves fall but at the same time my garden is giving me a last burst of beautiful color.
    Enjoyed your post.

  4. You're lucky that things are still blooming. Up north everything is pretty much gone. But we'll have a beautiful, much awaited spring. That trumpet flower is a gorgeous color. Mimi

  5. Those are such beautiful pictures, Lorilee- I love the Angel Trumpets but the "bottlebrush" is so cute... I've never seen one of those before!

  6. Beautiful fall foliage! Thanks for sharing these beautiful pics.

  7. Your bottle brush is adorable! Looks very Christmasey!
    I just got some Mexican Mint Marigold recently; I hope mine looks as good as yours next year. I have it in a large pot; since it had "mint" in the name, I was afraid it might get invasive. Love the licorice scent.


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