My SIL saw this chicken at her church's rummage sale and thought of me. She knows me well. I love it!
Totally off the subject, we have been back at school for 3 weeks now. My teaching assistant and I have 24 pre-kindergarteners in our room. We are exhausted. Our campus opens at 7:00 a.m. We dismiss at 3:15 with and teachers must stay until 3:45. (can be as late as 5:30 on faculty meeting days.) Pre-kindergarten has adopted a new curriculum so I am staying until 5 most days to work on lesson plans. Often with errands or other after school business, I don't get home until 6 or 7. I am wishing for a long weekend to take the camper somewhere. Sadly, there are none for quite awhile. I was so tired that I didn't even make it to our local Master Gardener plant sale this morning!
Y'all come back,
Style Showcase 276
19 hours ago