Tuesday, February 10, 2009

First Daffodil!

A couple of weeks ago, I made an impulse purchase of 2 pots of Daffodils. This is the first one to bloom! I can see several more about to open! I can't wait!

Ya'll Come Back!



  1. I looove daffodils. My auntie used to have them lining her walk.


  2. Isn't that first bloom a wonderful thing to lift your spirits? Plus, they are so low maintenance, giving you years of enjoyment.

  3. Hi Lorilee
    I just had to come visit when I saw that picture of your first daffodil! I have them blooming too in my yard. Its so exciting because you know that spring is not that far off!
    I have enjoyed my visit to your blog today!
    Love, Ann

  4. Yay!! It's almost spring. Can't wait. Mimi

  5. Those AND Pansies are my favorite spring flower. That just look So Happy!

  6. Your title scared me. I thought you had a daffodil outside, and I was going to have to hate you for a little while. Phew! It's a forced bulb. We're cool.

  7. Shoot! That's what I forgot to get. Daffodils! And I love them. I have tulips and narcissus. But darned if I didn't get daffodils, the lovelies of springtime.


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