I did finish painting my kitchen stools black. The paint stayed a bit tacky for awhile, but they are finally completely cured.
It seems like yesterday that I put out my fall decorations. Now I will be replacing them with Christmas decorations.
We decided to try our hand at frying our turkey this year instead of baking. We ended up frying 3 turkeys. They were wonderful. We prefer fried over baked!
Luckily, we had nice weather for it! Of course, we had plenty of food. The menu included: the fried turkey, Giblet gravy, Cornbread dressings, jellied cranberry, Broccoli Rice, Green Beans, Sweet Potato Casserole, Cherry Coke Salad, Stuffed Celery, Rolls, Fruit Salad, Creamy Pumpkin Pie, Kentucky Pecan Pie, German Potatoes, Sourdough bread, Buttermilk Pie, and Traditional Pumpkin Pie.
Now on to the Christmas preparations!
Y'all come back,
Style Showcase 283
5 hours ago