Brenda at A View from the Pines had this posted and asked others to share and pass on! So here goes!
Aprons - Y/N? If Y, what does your favorite look like?Definitely! I could never pick a favorite! I use different aprons depending on how dirty I plan to get. I have some just for "company".Baking -
I like to bake cakes for decorating. I also love to try new cookie recipes.
"B" for Brandon, my "baby" brother washing dishes in their old house. They have since moved.Clothesline - Y/N? I have lived in 3 different houses and had a clothesline at each one! I adore line-dried sheets!
Donuts - I have never made donuts, but I have made Rosettes. They are also fried.
Every day - One homemaking thing you do every day I used to always make my bed, but now my husband leaves for work at 2:30 a.m.. He gets home in the early afternoon and immediately takes a nap, so I just "straighten" the bed! Now, I guess it would be feed my chickens!
Freezer - Do you have a separate deep freeze? I have a separate deep freeze and an extra refrigerator.
Garbage Disposal - Y/N? I have one, but I don't really use it!
Handbook - What is your favorite homemaking resource?
My mom was my best homemaking resource until she passed away. Now I guess it is the internet! 
"H" is also for my hubby, David. Thank you for installing our new toilets!
Ironing - Love it or hate it? Or hate it but love the results? I don't mind ironing, and I love the results!
Junk drawer - Y/N? Where is it? Yes, it is in the kitchen!
Kitchen - Color and decorating scheme The walls are a sandy color with a light color wash. My curtains are green and taupe. The floor is a light oak laminate. The cabinets are also oak with a light stain. We have an antique oak pedestal table and chairs that we bought in Gruene, TX and an oak hutch that we found in Warrenton. They are a darker color than the floor and cabinets. I have a large pot rack that I adore hanging over my island.
Love - What is your favorite part of homemaking? Enjoying the end result of a just cleaned house, eventhough it doesn't seem to last long!
Mop - Y/N? Yes, we only have 1 area rug.
Nylons - Wash by hand or in the washing machine? I only wear them about 1 or 2 times a year! I wash them in the washing machine on the delicate cycle.
Oven - Do you use the window or open the oven to check? I use the window for my visual check.
Pizza - What do you put on yours? I love canadian bacon or the supreme with all the veggies!
Quiet - What do you do during the day when you get a quiet moment? During the school year, that is when I do my blogging and blog reading!
Recipe card box - Y/N? What does it look like? It is my mom's. White metal that holds 3x 5 cards and is about 12 " deep. I don't know where she found it. I also have numerous notebooks for computer printed recipes.
Style of house - What style is your house? The same as all the others in the neighborhood. Brick with a garage that opens to the front. Our brick is dark red. We have a green front door and shutters. We call our interior eccentric eclectic! heehee!
"S" is for Steven, my just a little bit younger, brother. He is preparing catfish to fry!Tablecloths and napkins - Y/N? For everyday, I use placemats. If I am having company, I might use a tablecloth instead. It just depends. We have an antique table without a clear finish, so we always use coasters. I also use cloth napkins most of the time. (Yes, I iron them too)
Under the kitchen sink - Organized or toxic wasteland? Sort of organized, but too crowded and full!
Vacuum - How many times per week? Once a week during the school year, with swiffering in between. I probably vacuum twice a week in the summer.
Wash - How many loads of laundry do you do per week? I wash one load each evening during football season. The rest of the time a few a week. On Saturday and Sunday, I wash 4 or 5 loads.
X - Do you keep a daily list of things to do that you cross off? Oh yes, I am ALL about lists. I love the feeling I get when I get to cross something off when it is finished!
Yard - Y/N? Who does what? I do the spraying, fertilizing, weeding, tilling, planting, and usually the mowing. Sometimes by husband or son will do it. The one thing I do not do is use the string trimmer. It causes shoulder and neck pain!
Z - What is your last homemaking task for the day before going to bed?I guess that would be locking the doors and arming the security system.
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